
FCS - File Format


Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. File Format
  3. Data Visualization </ul>
  4. </ul> </li>
  5. Download Example Files
  6. Useful links
  7. License
  8. Contact


The FCS (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy) tool allows export of photons intensity vectors correlations (G(τ)), outputted during post-processing, to binary files, with convenient plotting and visualization capabilities. This guide provides an in-depth exploration of the binary file structure, offering a comprehensive understanding of how exported data is formatted and can be leveraged.

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File Format

Here a detailed explanation of the exported binary data file structure:

Header (4 bytes):

The first 4 bytes of the file must be FCS1. This serves as a validation check to ensure the correct format of the file. If the check fails, the script prints “Invalid data file” and exits.

Metadata Section (Variable length):

Following the header, metadata is stored in the file. This includes:

G(τ) data section (Variable length):

After the metadata, the subsequent section, of variable length, contains essential data regarding G(τ) correlations for each pair of correlated channels and the lag index (a vector of tau values used in correlation calculations). The length of this section depends on the number of correlations analyzed, which can range from 1 to 8 channels, resulting in a potential maximum of 64 correlations.

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Data Visualization

The script files are automatically downloaded along with the intensity and fcs .bin files once the acquisition and fcs post-processing is complete and a file name has been chosen. Follow one of the guides below if you wish to use the Python or Matlab script:

For more details about the project follow these links:

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Distributed under the MIT License.

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FLIM LABS: info@flimlabs.com

Project Link: FCS (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy)

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