
Intensity Tracing - Console mode


Table of Contents
  1. Console Usage
  2. Useful links
  3. License
  4. Contact

Console usage

Intensity Tracing Console Mode

The Intensity Tracing Console mode provides live-streaming data representation directly in the console, without an interface intermediary and charts data visualization processes. The data displayed on the console screen indicates the moment of acquisition (in seconds) and the corresponding number of photons detected during that time for each enabled channels.

Here a table summary of the configurable parameters on code side:

  data-type config default explanation
enabled_channels number[] set a list of enabled acquisition data channels (up to 8). e.g. [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] [0] the list of enabled channels for photons data acquisition
bin_width_micros number Set the numerical value in microseconds 1 (μs) the time duration to wait for photons count accumulation.
acquisition_time_millis number/None Set the data acquisition duration 10000 (ms) The acquisition duration could be determinate (numeric value) or indeterminate (None)
write_data boolean Set export data option to True/False True if set to True, the acquired raw data will be exported locally to the computer
firmware_file string Set the intensity tracing firmware input (USB or SMA) intensity_tracing_usb.flim The firmware input used for the acquisition

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For more details about the project follow these links:

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Distributed under the MIT License.

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Project Link: FLIM LABS - Intensity Tracing

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