Welcome to FLIM LABS Intensity Tracing, a Python application designed to analyze single-photon counts as a function of time and plotting the intensity trace. Facilitated by an underlying data processor developed in Rust, responsible for data retrieval from the hardware component, this application enables real-time data analysis and visualization. Users can seamlessly transition between the graphical user interface (GUI) and console mode to navigate through the analytical capabilities. Whether your focus is on rigorous data analysis or dynamic visualizations, Intensity Tracing serves as a flexible tool for the precise measurement and exploration of photon intensity.
To directly test the application, skipping the installation requirements you can download an installer at this link (Note: you still need to have the FLIM LABS Data Acquisition Card).
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
To be able to run this project locally on your machine you need to satisfy these requirements:
git clone https://github.com/flim-labs/intensity-tracing-py.git
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python intensity_tracing.py
python console.py
Navigate to the following links to view detailed application usage guides:
Distributed under the MIT License.
FLIM LABS: info@flimlabs.com
Project Link: FLIM LABS - Intensity Tracing